6 Perennial Plants that Look Great in Every Garden

Posted on 19/10/2020

Perennial Plants that Look Beautiful in Every Garden

perennial plants
Perennials are plants that live more than two years. Unlike annuals or biennials, perennial plants have a longer life cycle and that makes them the perfect addition to any garden for a long-lasting and beautiful garden design.

Herbaceous perennials in particular are widely preferred for landscaping purposes, as they usually grow out of their rootstock/bulbs in spring, bloom throughout spring, summer and sometimes even autumn, and then die out in late autumn. After being dormant all winter, they return again in spring.

garden landscaping
Here are a few gorgeous perennial plants that can be grown in every garden and will enhance its beauty.

Siberian Iris

Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) will add a lot of colour to your flowerbeds. It blooms throughout the summer and its tall stems topped with large blooms will add a nice vertical accent to your garden. Siberian irises need sufficient moisture to grow, but once they are well established, they can tolerate drier soil too. The most common colours are blue and violet hues, but white, yellow and bi-coloured varieties are also a popular option that many gardeners prefer. Apart from contributing to your landscape with a lot of colour, these perennials are also often used for regularly supplying cut flowers.

Siberian iris
Creeping Phlox

Also commonly known as moss phlox, the Phlox subulata is a great plant to use in your garden landscaping endeavours. It is a very popular addition to rock gardens, raised perennial flower patches and pathway borders. Creeping phlox forms a dense cascading carpet of small prickly leaves that, in spring, are covered in tiny fragrant flowers in mauve, white, lavender, red or blue hues. Its vibrant coloured flowers attract many butterflies in spring.

planting creeping phlox

Sedum is a whole genus of perennials that have bright flowers and fleshy leaves. What makes them perfect for any garden is the fact that they are draught tolerant and can survive even harsh conditions. The sedum is a great perennial to use for landscaping, as it looks great from the moment it emerges from the soil – with thick, fresh-looking leaves that can be green, purple, variegated or even red and orange for some varieties. But the best bit about the sedum is that its colours get more vibrant as the temperatures cool down and it shows its full beauty in autumn, when other flowers start to fade. The flowers vary in colour for the different species and when in bloom will attract bees and butterflies to your garden.

growing sedum

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a perennial that will give your garden that natural wildflower look with very little effort and garden care required on your part. It is perfect for budding gardeners who don’t have much experience, as it can endure droughts, high and low temperatures. The foliage of the yarrow has a ferny look, with dark green or gray-green stems and leaves, and it blossoms in flat-topped flower clusters in yellow, red, white or pink hues. Yarrow spreads relatively quickly, which makes it a popular choice for covering big areas and for borders too.

yarrow garden design

Asters are among the most popular flowering perennials that brighten up autumn gardens all around the world. This genus includes around 180 different species and the name ‘aster’ is derived from Latin and means ‘star’, after the star-like shape of their flowers. Asters can grow up to a height of 5 feet and bloom in late summer and autumn. The colours range from whites, blues and purples to ruby reds and rich pinks. Asters are an excellent choice for borders and flower beds, but some gardening experts also use them as accents or in combination with other flowers as and they grow well in containers too. The flowers are often cut and brought indoors or used in flower arrangements.

aster garden care

The Paeonia genus covers about 30 species of herbaceous and 8 species of woody perennials and the flowering peony varieties are some of the best-loved plants by both hobby and professional gardeners. Peonies have a long lifespan and grow in shrub-like bunches at a height of 2 to 4 feet. The flowers often have a sweet fragrance and come in a large variety of colours – in fact, the different peony species bloom in almost all shades except blue and can be bi-coloured too. They blossom throughout the late spring and early summer period and their dark green foliage retains its beautiful looks all season long. Peonies need rich soil and ample moisture to thrive, but they are not too demanding and can grow well even with minimal garden maintenance.

growing peonies
Most of these perennials are quite easy to care for and even novice gardeners can easily grow them in their gardens. They all have gorgeous blooms that will add a lot of colour to your garden in the different seasons. Use one or a combination of these perennial plants in your garden landscaping and you will be guaranteed beautiful-looking results.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.