7 Office Plants That Are Hard to Kill

Posted on 19/10/2020

7 Office Plants That Are Near-Impossible to Kill

office plant care

Admit it, nobody in the office has time for flowers. Those who do actually do very little work and don’t stay for too long. But every now and again the office meeting comes to the conclusion that with so many people working there, somebody has to show off their reliable gardening skills and provide a pot or two to have something green oxidising the office and providing better and fresher air to take in amidst all the work. You have to get creative for things like that. What you want is some potted plant that is extremely easy to take care of and it can sustain itself for longer than a day – until you remember that it exists.

Here are seven plants you can use in the office with the least bit of expert gardening and garden care required:

growing neon photos

Neon Pothos
This bright green plant brings some colour to the otherwise grey office. It will look nice on any desk and it will not attract too many bugs. The only thing you need to do to keep it alive and blooming is provide at least medium light and water once a week.

plant a peace lily

Peace Lily
This is some beautiful specimen right there and it looks like it came out of months of garden care. It will not only contribute to the atmosphere, but your desk will also look aesthetically pleasing in comparison with others. It can also take in everything the air conditioner is able to dish out. And it only requires medium to low light and water about once a month. You can do that, right?

snake plant care

Snake Plant
True to its name, it has the hue of a slimy snake – perfect to scare co-workers with. Or just keep it on the desk for some colour and vivid patterns. To keep it alive and well and serving the oxidising needs of the office you merely have to provide low light and water it once every month.

growing aglaonema

This green-tongues leafy piece of heaven will look very nice arranged on the two sides of your desk, or on any window sill to contrast with the sky. It is safe from things you take out from weed control and needs no trimming – you just have to place it under medium light and don’t forget to water it once a week.

planting aloe

This desert plant is excellent to prove a point to a co-worker who said that there’s some desert rose in you. It is also a very healthy herb when used properly. But before trying out the latter, keep the thorny stem of the aloe alive by providing a lot of light to emulate a desert environment. Luckily, it doesn’t need that much watering and it can go at a month without any.

rubber tree plant care

Rubber Tree Plant
Classic office flower. If you are not that big on colours, simply put this corner flower in just about any corner, or next to your desk and in a few months you will have big wide leaves to hide behind when late on a report. Provide medium to low light and water it once a week to keep it healthy and full of protection. No hedging or pruning required.

growing a dracaena

And then you have this exotic beauty that will look amazing next to your desk. You can emulate a jungle environment with it, though sadly without any coconuts or bananas. Be sure to water it once a week and provide at least medium light.

No need to show off your gardening services or how much of a gardening expert you are. Just bring something practical. Any of these flowers require the least amount of maintenance and garden care, so you can take your pick and present them to the office to make the boss happy.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.