8 Countries with Historical Gardens

Posted on 01/07/2016

Top Countries with Historical Gardens

Historical gardens

There are many beautiful botanic gardens around the world, which are largely recognised as symbols for their countries. With stunning beauty and well-maintained environment, they are a feast for the eyes and food for the soul.

  • The Royal Botanic Gardens (London, UK) - Kew Gardens boast a huge collection of over 30 000 plants. Additionally, the world’s largest herbarium is located here.

  • The Gardens at Versailles (France) - A marvellous display of manicured lawns, flower parterres, fountains and sculptures.

  • Daisen-in Zen Garden (Japan) - Not the typical garden, as this one features no grass, but rocks that form a beautiful landscape.

  • Villa d’Este (Tivoli, Italy) - An ingenious design of 51 fountains, 64 waterfalls and numerous water jets, spouts and basins, all working without any pumps.

  • Keukenhof Flower Gardens (Holland) - One of the world’s leading flower gardens. More than 7 million flower bulbs are plated here each year!

  • Humble Administrator’s Garden (Suzhou, China) - Considered by many to be the best garden in Southern China, with its maze of islands and pools, pavilions and bridges.

  • Taj Mahal (Agra, India) - Stunning garden that features quarters of divided parterres. Avenues and fountains complete the serene and tranquil picture.

  • Maplelawn Historic Gardens (Canada) - The garden of this historic site was resurrected by volunteers and it looks amazing.

The gardens of the world add beauty and style all across the globe. It is truly interesting how the different cultures have created such tranquil places and how they have withstood the test of time.

If you ever wonder what part of these countries to visit, you won’t regret checking out the historic gardens described above. There is a reason why they have gained worldwide popularity.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.