Great Ideas for Low-Maintenance Landscaping

Posted on 19/10/2020

The Best Landscaping Ideas For A Low-Maintenance Yard

low-maintenance landscaping

How much time have you spent staring at the empty lawn for the last few days? You are probably tired of the stale old view and want some change, some colour, some comfort out there... and in the same time, less work on it so that you can use it mostly to relax, and not add more responsibilities to your life. Then you should definitely think about getting some landscaping done and remake that lawn into something you can both enjoy and relax in, and in the same time not have to tend to it on a daily basis. Yes, that is quite possible, as there are plenty of low-maintenance landscapes to be created in a backyard. You are only required to think smart when making your choices for the items that you want to add.

garden design

Plan Ahead
First of all, you need to plan the landscape beforehand and not simply place things that look like they can last. This might lead to eventually taking even more time for garden clearance once the things you put there start wasting away. Landscaping should be done with items you are familiar with and ones you know how to maintain and what the maintenance costs are.

landscape gardeners

Keep It Simple
Don’t make overcomplicated design plans that will make more time accomplishing than the actual maintenance. Stick to the basic things you will need in a lawn where you want to relax: a table, a chair or two, and maybe a few shrubs for some colour is as basic as you can go and can be done with no imagination implemented. Of course, keeping it simple does not mean flinging a chair and a table in your garden and surrounding them with a few flower pots. It can be simple even as you actually work for a pretty lawn.

lawn clearance

Clear the Lawn
Before you begin anything, your backyard should, of course, undergo through some lawn clearance. Get rid of all the leaves and branches and work through some grass cutting to make the place as even and clear as possible so that you can start planning or adding things.

Simple Design
You don’t need specially designed furniture for your patio. You don’t need elegant items that might rot with the first rainfall. You don’t want bamboo furniture that has to be kept in check at all times. What you want are simple, basic items that require as little attention as possible. Get a chair or a lounge, and a table that can be cleaned with a single rug and do not require constant maintenance and polishing.

garden landscaping

Think Long Term, Not Short
If you want a garden and some colour to look at as you relax, but that requires less attention and does not need constant weed control and watering, then your should think about having perennials in your garden and not the short-living plants that take all the effort to grow and die in less than a month. Planting some sedum, or yarrow, or daylily, or some hosta plants will make your life in the garden much easier. Gardening is as easy as it gets with perennials that are basically self-sufficient if you find proper soil and a place that provides the sun exposure they need.

perennial plants

By mulching, you get a variety of benefits that further reduce the amount of garden maintenance that will need to be executed. It will reduce the weed growth and spreading, it will fertilize the soil, and it will hold moisture, therefore reducing the need for watering even more. Combined with perennials, you will barely have to pay any attention to the flowers at all.

With these tips you can make your lawn much better for yourself, and you will have a place for yourself, for rest and relaxation, and not somewhere to sit and wonder what to do next to make it look alive again.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.