How to Combat Weeds in Your Garden in Finchley

Posted on 17/07/2015

Weed Control in Your Garden in Finchley

weed-free garden

No one in Finchley likes weeds in their garden. But, it’s not that easy to eliminate them either. Weeds generally consume most of your gardening time and even then the results are hardly satisfactory. However, if you follow these simple and effective tips on weeding, you will surely transform your garden into a weed-free place!

• Don’t expose them - Weed seeds are present everywhere in your garden in Finchley, N3. Your garden soil is full of them but the important thing to understand is that only those weed seeds that receive ample sunlight grow. They require sunlight to germinate. So, the best way to stop weeds from growing is to keep these seeds away from sunlight. So, don’t dig up the soil unnecessarily as by doing so you will be exposing these seeds to sunlight. Therefore, just leave them sleeping!

weed control

• Don’t give them any space! Another effective way of weed control is not giving weed plants any space to grow. Weed plants grow quickly, they require only some space. So, while combating against weeds, ensure that you utilize most of your garden area by growing more and more vegetation. Reduce the distance between two plants or flowers and grow them as close as you can. Always keep in mind that the less space you leave, the less trouble they create!

gardening maintenance

• Work every day - Yes, yes, we understand that you have a busy schedule. So, you cannot spend time every day for gardening in N12. But who is asking you to spend ‘a lot of’ time.  We are talking about spending just 5 to 8 minutes every day in your garden. Yes, only 5 to 8 minutes. That’s all. Weed control requires less than 15 minutes of daily work. Weed plants, as we have said earlier, grow quickly. So, if you are spending one day in a week for garden care, then your workload increases heavily as you have to deal with the growth of entire week. However, if you spend just five minutes every day, then you can ensure that you combat very little growth as you are keeping the weeds in check. Hence, it is recommended that you dedicate ten minutes to your garden every day. Use good garden sheers or outer hand tools

daily garden care

• Cover the soil with mulch - While dealing with weeds, make sure that you are doing everything to reduce their growth. They are the ultimate enemy of your garden in the N3 area. Hence, you have to do more than just keeping the weed seeds sleeping by not digging up the soil and reducing the soil space. How about covering the soil using mulch? This serves multiple benefits. First, the mulch prevents sunlight from reaching the soil, which eventually reduces weed growth, and second, it makes your soil healthier by keeping the moisture intact. Mulch can be grass clippings or even dead leaves.


• Take help from chemicals - This is your final resort in the battle against weed plants in Finchley. If you think all your efforts are going in vain and weeds are emerging victorious, use herbicides or any other chemical to eradicate these from your garden. Using a chemical attack is lethal as it will quickly eliminate all the weed plants; however it should be your last option because chemicals can at times harm your plants as well. Therefore, using chemicals can prove to be a risky solution. We advise you to do a careful research of the chemicals you are using and always conduct a pre-test. So, use of chemicals has to be done with proper care and study.

garden spraying

If you are of the view that eliminating weeds from your garden is not something that you can handle, consider seeking help from gardening experts. Gardening professionals will not only help you bid goodbye to the weeds in your garden, but they will also help you beautify the lawn and maintain it.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.