How to Grow Strawberries in Your Garden

Posted on 19/10/2020

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Strawberries in Your Garden

growing strawberries

Strawberries are just so delicious, are they not? They are a sweet fruit that can be used in such a variety of ways – from eating them raw, to additions to cakes, to strawberry jam, and much more. They will enrich your taste buds, and can be the symbol of summer – when you see the red grounds, then you definitely know what season it is. And the best part about strawberries: they can be grown in your very garden. So do some grass cutting and leaf clearance and make space for your future strawberry crops.

Planting Your Strawberries
Strawberries are very easy to grow, they barely need any attention. When planting them, just make sure to do it in areas which have not been previously used to grow flowers or vegetables as any remains they could have left behind might disease your strawberry crops. They need their space, and they need fertile and well-drained soil. Sun exposure and shelter from rain or hail is important as well. Aside from that, they are very versatile and will take care of their own growing.

planting strawberries

Buy strawberry seeds only from agricultural stores you know that are safe, and you should also buy ones from organic plants. For time of planting, you should pick anytime between late spring and early summer. Don’t try planting them too early in the spring as you need to be sure that the last of the winter frost is gone from the soil. Their growth typically lasts about 60 days after which they should be ready for harvest. Garden maintenance around the crops is necessary as winds often bring many harmful insects and pests. Take care of them yourself and don’t rely on pesticides – it is always better to have an organic garden as naturally-grown strawberries are much better to enjoy and can actually offer some taste. If you are uncertain whether you can plant your batches correctly, you can buy potted strawberries and simply replant them somewhere in your garden – the fruit will continue growing as long as you provide the rest of the conditions for it.


Growing Your Strawberries
As mentioned, taking care of the strawberries requires very little of you. If you give your crops the best conditions possible, or at least the ones mentioned above, aside from weed control, the most you have to do is water the batches during dryer days to prevent them from withering. When watering, always go low and water the root area as watering from above may damage the leaves and fruit, and may cause them to rot.

When the plants start to fruit, you should place straws for matting around the plants so that the fruit doesn’t touch the soil – this could result in rotting. Also, the straws will protect the fruit from weed infestations and will give you less time to spend in weed control.

straw bed garden care

After Harvesting Your Strawberries
Take shears and remove the leaves off the plant. Remove the straws you used for a mat as well since they invite pests and plant diseases if left unchecked. You don’t have to de-root the strawberries as they can last for about three years before you need to replant them. The crop rotations are very handy and will save you the trouble of replanting them next season, and will also keep the soil safe from vermin and pests.

harvesting strawberries

And this is pretty much it. If you follow this guide, you should be able to grow and enjoy your own strawberries, and will have a pretty good idea how to replant them when the next strawberry season comes.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.