Things You Can Find In Your Garden

Posted on 25/07/2016

What You Can Find In Your Garden

Gardening maintenance

Apart from being the most suitable area to practice your gardening hobby, your garden is a place where you can find some rather odd and interesting things. If you have always wanted to go on a treasure hunt, it is a good idea to start from your own backyard. Let your imagination run wild and think about all of the cool stuff lying beneath the ground:

Treasure chests - imagine finding clues about a large treasure buried in your garden! Wouldn’t that be something?
-   Dinosaur bones - if you have always been fascinated with dinosaurs and you find all real size skeletons in museums fascinating, why not try digging for dinosaur bones in your garden?
-   Underground labyrinth - a maze of walls and narrow pathways will surely make you want to explore even more.
-   Portal - portals that can transport you to unimaginable worlds have long been part of various literary works, but imagine if you find one. Where will it lead?
-   Dog toys - if you have a pet dog, you may accidentally unearth their hidden treasures - bones, toys, plates, the sock that went missing a few weeks back …
-   Ancient ruins - cities built upon cities are real, and it might be your own garden that serves as starting point of such an exciting discovery.
-   Parts of an alien ship - whoa, what a great find that would be! Imagine the interesting aspects of alien tech.
-   Dragon lair - dragons are known hoarders of treasure so it wouldn’t be too surprising to find a fortune. Just hope the dragon is missing for good.

There is no doubt that digging in the backyard can lead to some very interesting finds. Don your gloves, find a good spot and start digging and maybe your efforts will soon enough be rewarded.

A great find in your own backyard can reward all of your efforts. A good shovel and some spare time is all you need. Maybe some gardening experts too, if you are too enthusiastic about digging!

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.