Top 10 Plants for Smaller Gardens

Posted on 19/10/2020

10 Garden Plants Ideas For Small Gardens

small garden care

You have always entertained the idea to acquire the gardening skill and have yourself a lively and colourful garden, but you don’t have much space in your yard. You only have a few square feet and you want some pretty colourful flowers. Well, it’s a good day for you, because there actually are plants that are excellent choices for small gardens. They do not require too much room to grow and will be an excellent acquisition to your small garden. Or maybe you do have enough room, but want more flowers and would like to avoid all the attention-hoggers that some flowers represent with their large leaves and tall stalks? No problem, here is a list of flowers which you can contemplate on for your next landscaping project.

1. Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)
This little piece of heaven is a colourful bell that can adorn any small part of a garden and it grows only 1.5m, with not much breadth to take from other flowers. They come ina  different variety of colours and can make for great decorations.

Digitalis grandiflora

2. Harvington Hybrids (Hellebore orientalis)
These hybrids produce beautiful saucers of dark flowers that bring the onlooker to melancholic contemplation. They can grow at anytime between mid-winter to mid-spring. They barely take any space, growing to a maximum of a 45cm spread, and only require a full sun to grow properly.

3. Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
Speaking of pieces of heaven, these white bells symbolise the beginning of spring. They come from snow piles, growing underneath the snow. They are not a subject of planting, but you can replant them once they do flower in a green grass environment to keep them alive for as long as possible.

Galanthus nivalis

4. Common box (Buxus sempervirens)
This is a wonderful little plant that barely takes a little pot space to grow  just a few inches, and beside gardens, it can easily be grown in a pot and indoors. If you allow it to grow more, you can always apply some trimming to put it into the shape you want it to be.

5. Climbing Beans
Those are cute little buds that barely grow into flowers, and you can grow them as ornamental borders to frame doors or fences in pretty colours.

6. Cowslip (Primula veris)
These little flowers will bring vibrancy to your small garden and will brighten up the day to anyone who stops to gaze upon it. It has nice shapes and wonderful-looking bells, and it barely reaches 25cm of height and spread.

Primula veris

7. Allium Sphaerocephalon
These round colourful flowerheads will take a very small part of your garden, but will bring in plenty of energetic feeling when you stop to observe it. It starts pinkish purple and becomes bright red once it blooms, and it also doesn’t have leaves to stop other plants from growing around it, and it doesn’t require leaf clearance, so that is always a plus.

Allium Sphaerocephalon

8. Cut-and-come-again Salad
Funny name, right? Yes, and it is just as easy to grow as the name is entertaining. They take little space, they are easy to grow they are edible, and if you harvest them young, you will refresh and encourage new growth.

9. Chard
Also known as seakale beet, silver and ruby chard, this plant is also edible and will go well in any stew or meal that generally needs spinach. It has spreading leaves, but doesn’t get too big in height, and can be pretty delicious if cooked properly.

planting chard

10. Sedum Spectabile
This flower is basically a small stalk with a multitude of flowers on it. It grows mostly in autumn and is one of those flowers that you want to bring different shades of red in your garden during the red-and-yellow-and-brown season.

Sedum Spectabile

These are just some of the many options gardening gives you if you want to plant something in a small garden. Bring as much colour as you can in a small space and amaze your neighbours with your reliable gardening abilities.

Austin Rial
Austin Rial

Recognized for his expertise in gardening, Austin adeptly aids a myriad of clients in realizing their gardening goals. Furthermore, his aptitude in writing enables him to delve into various topics concerning gardening and landscape design.